I’m Pregnant, and My Partner is Abusive

Dealing with an unexpected pregnancy can be stressful enough. However, if you’re also navigating the turbulent waters of an abusive relationship, that can only accelerate feelings of nervousness and distress. No matter what your situation is, you are not alone, and you can get through it. Your well-being and safety should be your number one…

My Birth Control Failed: What Do I Do?

Finding out your birth control failed can be extremely unnerving, especially since early pregnancy symptoms are difficult to identify, if you have any at all. But there are some simple steps you can take to ease your mind and get the answers to your concerns. Here are some active steps to calm yourself during this…

How to Navigate the Holidays with an Unexpected Pregnancy

Dealing with the stress of the holiday season and an unexpected pregnancy can be challenging, but it’s important to approach it with a positive mindset and thoughtful planning. Here are some tips to help you through this time: Accept Your Feelings It’s normal to have a mix of emotions. Allow yourself to feel them without…

7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms can vary between women, but these seven symptoms of pregnancy are the most common. Pregnancy symptoms are usually caused by rapid physical and hormonal changes in the woman’s body. If there is a chance that you could be pregnant and you have one or more pregnancy symptoms, a pregnancy test is your next…

What Is Ectopic Pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy is when the embryo attaches outside of the uterus. This condition can be dangerous to the mother and requires immediate medical attention. Learn more about ectopic pregnancy here so you can put your safety first.  What is Different About an Ectopic Pregnancy? In a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg makes its way…

Think You Might Be Pregnant?

Think you might be pregnant? Here Are Some Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy   Every woman is different so it is easy to understand that pregnancy will affect every person differently.  Not every woman has the same symptoms.  Some of the symptoms are so similar to what you might experience during your monthly cycle that…

Focus on the step in front of you
not the whole staircase.