Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion Pill?

Is your girlfriend experiencing an unexpected pregnancy? You are not alone. It’s important to remember not to pressure your girlfriend into making a certain pregnancy decision. She may need your support right now without judgment or pressure.  Maybe you and your girlfriend are considering abortion, and you’re worried about the costs. Abortion can be pricey,…

What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

Like many medical procedures, abortion can cause complications, some life-threatening. One complication women should know about is incomplete abortion, which can become dangerous if left untreated.  We’ll walk you through the signs of an incomplete abortion and possible treatment options. Remember, before choosing abortion, make sure you’re informed about the potential risks. Symptoms You Should…

What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

Just as the physical effects of abortion can vary between individuals, it is impossible to predict the mental health effects that a woman will experience. However, abortion has been shown to increase the risk of women experiencing certain mental health struggles.  Protect your mental health by learning about the risk abortion poses. Post-Abortion Stress For…

How Does an Ultrasound Work?

Ultrasounds are used for many medical reasons, but the most common situation in which they are used is during pregnancy. Many women encounter an ultrasound for the first time when they are experiencing their first pregnancy and have questions about this simple diagnostic test. An ultrasound uses sound waves emitted through a handheld transducer to…

7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms can vary between women, but these seven symptoms of pregnancy are the most common. Pregnancy symptoms are usually caused by rapid physical and hormonal changes in the woman’s body. If there is a chance that you could be pregnant and you have one or more pregnancy symptoms, a pregnancy test is your next…

What Is Ectopic Pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy is when the embryo attaches outside of the uterus. This condition can be dangerous to the mother and requires immediate medical attention. Learn more about ectopic pregnancy here so you can put your safety first.  What is Different About an Ectopic Pregnancy? In a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg makes its way…

What are the Different Types of Abortion?

Your abortion options depend on a couple of different factors.  You will need to understand how far along you are to know what types of abortion you could be eligible for.  In this blog, we offer medical information about the different types of abortion and how to confirm your pregnancy before making your decision. How…

What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Different types of abortions can pose various risks. Discuss your options and what the risks are with someone you trust.  Possible reactions to any abortion procedure include extreme bleeding, allergic reactions to medications utilized, infection, or incomplete abortion. Talk to a trusted physician or pregnancy center before making a final decision regarding your pregnancy. Know…

Think You Might Be Pregnant?

Think you might be pregnant? Here Are Some Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy   Every woman is different so it is easy to understand that pregnancy will affect every person differently.  Not every woman has the same symptoms.  Some of the symptoms are so similar to what you might experience during your monthly cycle that…

Am I At Risk For An STD?

ARE YOU AT RISK FOR AN STD? To understand if you are at risk for an STI or an STD, you first need to understand what each of these initials mean.   STI stands for Sexually Transmitted Infection- You can become infected with an STI through any type of sexual activity but this infection hasn’t…

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not the whole staircase.